As with everything in life that I’m so severely behind in, I thought I should go back a couple of months to recount our most special day thus far since the twins were born…our big, fat, Mexican Baby Dedication:
We knew before we even had the girls that we would be dedicating the girls back to the Lord. In fact, Hannah is named after the beautiful and faithful woman in the Bible who made a vow to God to dedicate her son, Samuel to the Lord for His service. So many nights of worry that my pregnancy was just a dream, I would pray to God, “Take them if you must, we know they were never ours to begin with…” Of course when I would pray that, it never hurt nearly as bad as it does now– I guess that’s the way a mother’s love grows day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute…. But they’re His girls, and we don’t ever take the gift from Him to us for granted. I like to think that approaching parenthood with this mindset is opening our hearts to hear God’s direction for our girls.
Coming from traditional families with Catholic backgrounds, we were adamant that we would have the girls baptized in our home church. Our church family in Centreville prayed long and hard for us during our infertility and we fully believe that these girls have not just been gifted to us, but to them too as we all watched our prayers be answered in the miracle of Elsie’s and Hannah’s births. To top it off, our pastor, who I worked with long ago has become such a dear friend through the years so having him as such an integral part of their baptism meant a lot to me. BUT– we have a church here too. We have a community here that has grown us so much, and we know without a doubt will be growing our daughters too.
Then came the nitty-gritty theology. Infant baptism is all we’ve personally known and ever wanted for our children. Trey constantly prayed over our interpretation of scripture and household baptism. We also prayed hard over dedication and what we learn in Matthew 28:18-20:
Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: “God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.”
We’ve always interpreted this passage instructing us to baptize AND THEN live by example and instruction to walk and love in the ways of the Lord. However, we also know that baptism is not a salvation issue. We know that when the day comes, our girls will make a decision for themselves based on a desire for salvation and an eternity with our Maker, our Savior, and even their grandpa. One of the greatest lessons I ever had in my years of youth ministry and training was to never assume salvation because children had been baptized or raised in the church. I can distinctly remember seeing kids feel robbed of that “salvation moment” and the joy that it brings when you just know. There’s just something about having Hannah make her own decision, and Elsie making hers that swells my heart…
All these things we took into account. I talked to Rob who said in his loving and father-like way, “Nicole, haven’t you found a church down there yet?” If you know us, we’re all about community. In part because of the tradition in the Presbyterian church to ask the congregation to make a verbal commitment at baptism to help raise our children in the church but also because we know we are not the people we are today without the support and love from our communities. Anyway, to be honest, both of our churches not just encourage but necessitate the commitment of community to help us raise our girls into the church. But, our new church doesn’t do infant baptism, only dedication. The same way I talked to Rob, we decided to meet with our friends here aka pastor + wife + adorable daughter to have a similar conversation. The conversation also included things like “but our family won’t understand the difference” and “there would be about 40 people there to join in on the commitment with us.”
We knew the girls had their godparents, we knew our immediate families made up sixteen more, and then if you’ve been following along, my extended family would make up the rest. Jeff and Jenny offered to do a private dedication ceremony at our home to included everyone but though SO SO gracious, we declined the big fat Mexican Baby Dedication and traded it for a smaller-ish more intimate time of prayer with other families from our church– here.
Our church is called South Ridge. I can’t remember if I’ve shared the story of how we found it, but let’s just say, they found us. Their commitment and mission to families and the gospel is what keeps us ignited with passion for the Lord and His presence in our own family. We are so thankful to Jeff and especially Jenny for making the Baby Dedication such a memorable and holy time for our family– complete with a photographer (you know, the second most important thing of the day for me.)
There is something to be said about having those closest to us, and the ones who already know and see the girls on a daily/weekly basis join with us in this blessed commitment. We are so blessed by this body of believers who helped us dedicate our girls. I guess it still was a big fat Mexican and American baby dedication– and one that has us smiling upon every thought and remembrance.
We chose PapaLu and LizzyLu to be your godparents because of their example to us through the years. They have modeled a loving and godly marriage to us, but also what it’s like to be parents who are so intricately involved in the spiritual growth of their children by serving in the student ministry. Having four kids of their own- their biggest example to us is that we WILL live past these long but treasured days with you and look like a million bucks on the other side.
NanaHeidi held our hands the day we were married and prayed blessings over us with your other church nanas. She prayed specifically for you then and thinking of all I can say about her right now is bringing tears to my eyes. She loves you girls so much; loved you before you were created and will be there for us through all the thicks and thins of our lives. The first small group your dad and I participated in once we were married was hosted and led by PapaSam and NanaHeidi and the Bergquists (who love you a lot already too)! When you think of dad and I and our love and commitment to one another, don’t do it without thanks to them and their lessons that laid such a strong foundation for us that we hope and pray we are passing to you every single day.
Aunt Stephanie has become one of our closest friends and biggest cheerleaders! We truly feel we wouldn’t have survived Grandpa’s death as well as we have without her prayers and support throughout his illness and crossover to meet Jesus. I’ll never forget when I told here we were pregnant with you. She called me right away and we talked about strollers and sharing grapes and pregnancy fears.. if there’s anyone who knows twin life, it’s her and Uncle Chuck. And just like your other godparents, their marriage is one that we strive to have in order to be the best that we can be for you girls. The examples they all have set in raising godly children sets a high bar, one we pray to live up to all the time. Having their support along the way is something Daddy and I know is essential to our commitment in raising you girls to know and feel Jesus with you at all times.
Your family and our close friends were a part of the day too– they’ve been there from the moments we learned of your existence and from the moment you were born.
Hannah Hope- you were dedicated to the Lord by your father and I on May 11, 2019, trusting that someday He will use you to move mountains according to His will. Elsie Love- your father and I gave you back to the Lord for His service to be a blessing to others always on May 11, 2019. May you both forever know that on this day, you received the biggest blessing to be welcomed with open arms into this beautiful family of believers in His presence. We prayed that you would grow in strength to be beautiful women that would exude the gospel in everything you say and do. We prayed you’d grow to be kind, confident, sincere, compassionate– that you would put others before yourself. And then these most marvelous saints, they all prayed for Daddy and I. They prayed for energy and strength in our marriage and especially in the ways that we are raising you.
Our community is filled with the most beautiful people Aunt Sarah and Uncle Doctor Paul being some of them. From the moment we met we connected like something from heaven… oh wait, it was. They love you girls so so much. I kick myself that I didn’t take any pictures when they came to visit you in the hospital…but they did. AND Uncle Doctor Paul helps us keep you alive– that alone in-debts us to him eternally. No but really- Paul and Sarah- we miss our double dates before we had kids, and appreciate your prayers before, during, and after their births. Thank you for committing with us to raise these girls to know our Savior… and thank you also for creating a love triangle between our girls and your boy.
Can you tell we pray a lot– sometimes when I write I think we sound like the most desperate people… but I correct myself saying that we are the most faithful people instead, knowing that God delivers in His timing and ways. All that to say… that we prayed HARD for the worlds best neighbors to come to our street. I wanted a young family that would have kids that could grow up with the girls… but what God answered with was even better. He gave us Jeff and Roxanne who together with the girls help grow our girls. They were some of the first visitors at the hospital and are some of the last we see before we go to bed…regularly. Hannah, despite your face in this picture, you LOVE Mr. Jeff!!
I know this is a super long post…. like SUPER LONG– but what I hope is gathered from this is how beautiful the community is that comes from being a part of God’s church. Not a day goes by that we don’t thank God for these people, these believers who are already impacting you girls for eternity by sharing in God’s beautiful family together. I guess that’s why we’re so #blessed. It’s them!!
In complete and pure Nicole-fashion, I had a pinterest inspired Big Fat Mexican Baby Dedication party planned. I even made these invitations that I sent out to our guests with the girls’ birth announcement…
We made prayer cards on my cricut… which of course I didn’t picture. AND I even made a cake topper and banner… which weren’t really pictured either. Hence my attempts at pinterest momming not completely failing… the important thing is that we partied. We celebrated this first, big, and most important event in the girls’ lives and we loved every second of it. I especially loved that my husband did the picture taking so that I could enjoy just being.
These girls are my biggest saving grace of motherhood. “Nicole, can we come put the girls to bed?” “Nicole, do you need help feeding the girls?” “Want me to babysit?” YES! ALL THE TIME YESSSS!!
and Jenny- YOU!! YOU were the mastermind behind all of it! Our most special day, thank you!!
This was the first time we had all “our” kids in one place; the kids that taught us how to love so deeply and sacrificially. I’m completely IN LOVE with this picture, and it will hang on our walls FOREVER, the day we gave them all more cousins! I know it was never their intention to bring about pain on Trey and I, but I hated when they would ask us if we were “EVERRRRR going to have a couple of kids.” So glad to know we didn’t disappoint.
Signing off now. If you have questions about baptism or dedication or my super creative undocumented Big Fat Mexican Baby Dedication *to which many of the Mexican’s were unable to attend* hit me up. I’d love to chat it over!
a special thanks to our church’s photography ministry: Lindsay Sousa and Stacie Hubbard for taking the dedication photos at the Gauntlet!