At some point, I will, I WILL give you a proper introduction to my new home, which consists of the four places where 60+ pairs of shoes are stored, the place where my body sleeps, where office/treadmill/breakfast table/liquor cabinet/kitchen utencils have taken temporary rest (can temporary be defined as 2-ish years). As much as I “hate” it, it’s also where my heart loves enjoys the blessings of family…
So, in the mean time though I’m introducing you to this:
The bed. The rest. The love appreciation. Oh how it’s just so so perfect after the whirlwind of this:
Guess what darlings?! I am a FANTABULOUS baker… says my familia… well most of them…. except for my madre. “Mija, I hate it when you bake.. you are SO MESSY! Clean up after yourself!” at 26 my mother still hasn’t stopped telling me to pick up after myself…it’s not ever going to stop, is it!?
So this is a pumpkin caramel blondie— not too bad. I got the recipe off of pinterest (where I get most of my dessert recipes). I need to make this one again.. add my own touch to it, I will eventually. If you just can’t wait until then, go to my pin (and check out some of the others too– your butt is about to hate me. And yes, I know I get an F in comparative presentation….
Source: via Nicole on Pinterest
I have this thing for baking. But I also have a thing for this family and beholding them. I also have this thing for smiling with them whenever I can! I was on a mission this Christmas and that was to be in photos. Seriously a downside of being a photographer–you’re never in the family photos. and for you, family, darlings, that are laughing because I always have to be in a picture, now you know why. PS. You LOVE delight in seeing my face plastered against another’s in the classic iphone selfies.
my dad. does he not have the cutest “crack up” face EVER! Seriously,
LOVE idolize this man’s laugh. It’s the best, most sweetest, most sincere, most comforting giggle I know. He was in his element here at the Paullin Christmas dinner. Complete with a brand new homemade ice cream maker! How many Paullin’s does it take to put one together……?
guess what, Darlings?! It’s all about family…and sweet baby Jesus who gives us Joy.
so as family, we gathered around the Christmas tree, cozied next to the fire, and loved no really, loved a sweet and special Love. Love that recognized the hearts God has created each of us with.
My dad has started this new tradition with me that I LOVE you like how I’m needing a few different versions of the word ‘love’ because I just have so much of it?! Right now I choose to replace it with the word “ADORE”. Because I totally do. My dad– the one with the most amazing laugh, he’s also the best penny pincher I know. Seriously, it’s his thrill of the week to go to Harris Teeter on Senior Citizen Day to see how much money he can save… and then he comes home and mom and I are “so excited”…… SO EXCITED. Which is why this new tradition of ours is that much more perfect being from him.
This is the second year he’s gifted me a letter. and for the second time, I played bad ass fighting back sweet, thankful, and so so blessed tears and a quiet voice that said, “Oh, yeah.. thanks, I read it already.” because I know I’ll secretly reread it, alone, later, again and again until the creases in the paper are weak and fragile….that’s me going off of last years letter….
I never wanted to let him down, remember? Here’s what he was seeing, the whole time:
2012. Things are constantly changing….Somehow you find the time and effort to apply yourself (with full force and speed ahead) into healing activities and items that are focused not inward and personal but outward in directions and for purposes meant for others not only near you but also distant from you–not yet known to you.
I think I get the writing gene from him. All that time I felt selfish. All this time I felt like I was failing him. But I’m not, I haven’t been. And he’s still believing in me, he’s helped to heal me….to deliver me from that God-awful Quarter-Life Crisis and into THIS. My real life.
Ahhh, this life of mine is a precious gift of love perfection.
Such a perfect gift. My life.
It sparkles extra radiantly.
It takes pleasure in being a part of a BEAUTIFUL legacy.
It partners with those that care, those that support, those that
love comfort.
and then it stops to breathe in the innocence. the laughter. the youthfulness. the goofiness. the happiness. the beauty.
and it smiles. because each day Life unwraps more unknowns.
It teaches more lessons. Writes you in another story.
and calls you away from annoyance…. more on these stupid bears later…
and into serenity.
because love, “love,” actually, is all you need.
peace. LIFE. CHRISTmas.
With love endearment this special Christmas season, Nicole and Sasha (Bellagio) Paullin.