via Instagram http://ift.tt/1sKoqLs
When I started my new paleo “lifestyle” (I say lifestyle because I hate the word “diet”), I had already cut out pop…so the coke cravings were already gone. Lately though, can I just say that I am SO SICK of water…. SO SICK OF IT. I try and spice it up (more to come in another post) but carbonation is missing… and mineral water just sounds disgusting. All that to say, I discovered this awesome little gem called KOMBUCHA! Basically, it’s carbonated tea, with TONS of health benefits including detoxification, joint care, digestion care (probiotics baby!!), and even immune boosting. (This one in particular isn’t the best in that it uses cane sugar extract, but I saw the “root beer” and was immediately sold! There are much better ones to try, ginger especially! It’s fresh and won’t give you the pop-hangover feeling when you’re finished with it.
Try it as a great alternative for pop. Not quite the same but still good and much better for you than a pop that instead would be contributing to obesity, kidney problems, rotting teeth, and even reproductive issues.