Category Archives: Uncategorized

Day 3: They gave me gold

I set off today…like a time bomb completely ready to explode with anxiousness (the good anxiousness, not to be confused with fearful anxiousness) because today I began my journey through my roots aka the Midwest, visiting people who have changed my life. I was anxious to see what people were going to say to me....

Day 2: Less Urgency

I slept in today… an entire 34 minutes. I had my eyes closed and offered up a quick prayer that maybe it was 9 am, maybe even 10 because it was that good of a sleep. 6:29. A.M! Okay. And then my mind went racingagain. I HAVE TO DO LAUNDRY (YES EVEN THOUGH I HAVE...

Goodness Shines

In four days, everything I’ve known for the past seven and a half years will come to an end.  If your sick of hearing about my ups and downs in this transition, let me caution you that this is yet another post that hashes through my tears, my smiles, my fears, and most importantly, never...

let's behold


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