Category Archives: The Hard Times

To Buddy, ten years later

I miss you more today than I did then.  A child with a sad heart is different than an adult with a mature one.  There were things that happened along the way that I never understood, things I thought I never could understand, but somehow always knew if you’d have been here, they’d be easier....

So Unexpected

There are few things I can remember as vividly as a moment like this: Where I was on September 11… the laughter turned to cry-ter on January 27, 2004 the moment I found out Buddy was killed… the first time I fell in love… the first time I completed a 1/2 marathon… but really– five...

These Days

Sometimes I just need a day. Just one. A day when I can stay in my pajamas, lay on the couch, eat popcorn and snickers bars, and cry while watching a lame lifetime movie until i get over my stupid, selfish, melancholy disposition. But these days it’s not just one day. It’s “these days.” I...

let's behold


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