Category Archives: Insist on Yourself

Good Morning 2012

THEN GOD CAME AND STOOD BEFORE ME EXACTLY AS BEFORE, CALLING OUT, “NICOLE! NICOLE” AND I ANSWER, “SPEAK. I’M YOUR SERVANT, READY TO LISTEN.” 1 SAMUEL 3:10 (GOD’S WORD SPEAKING TO ME) I woke up refreshed today.  I opened the door, walked outside, and enjoyed the deep breath of air I took in slowly and sure of the gift of another...

Insist on Yourself

There’s one thing that keeps running though my head right now, it has been all week.  A quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Insist on yourself.  Never imitate.”  <I’d like to add this: with each post I make, I review my past couple.  I noticed I’ve been starting each one with “I.”  and then there’s this post about...

let's behold


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