Category Archives: Insist on Yourself

7. Miles. DONE.

via Instagram My training has days when it goes superbly wonderful, days when it’s painful, days when it’s the last thing I want to do, days when it’s a fight.  and then it has days like these.  Dreary and somber like the sky when the glory is begging to find a way through the...

Three words.

I waited aimlessly for the right time to sit for “this post”–a little later than I had hoped, but as though I was waiting for something more exciting, something a little better, something a lot more momentous, something a lot more perfect.  But “this post” won by a landslide of mediocrity and contentment. This post...

Oh Beloved.

Oh Beloved, I can’t think of a time that I ever wanted to “settle down.”  I mean, EVER.  And if you ask some of my closest friends–they’d be most surprised to hear you say that maybe I do…  they’re the ones who claim I’ll date for years, be engaged for longer, and have kids…maybe never....

let's behold


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