Category Archives: IG snaps

You’ve blessed me so good!

via Instagram For the life of me, I cannot wrap my head around the fact that my favorite boy is 5 years old.  FIVE.  Do you know how much can happen in five years?!  and how much can’t… it’s ridiculous.  And quite possibly the most sweetest journey to be a part of. This year...

fa-fa-fa-family night

via Instagram I can’t get enough of these.  Not so much the hugs that make us giggle, but the bond that makes us….us.  And though it’s been broken and the recent *multiple* attempts to rectify the situation have multiply failed, it’s the moments like these that remind us how real and perfect life with...

It’s your bday, Lindz!

via Instagram You girls!  You make me smile.  You make me happy.  You make every minute of grad school a little better.  You girls.  and us.  and this wine drinking.  and these memories.  and this laughter.  This journey, this us- it couldn’t be more perfect. happy birthday lindzz!

let's behold


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