Category Archives: IG snaps

what a life changing ride.

via Instagram My last Tuesday in the carpool line… I can’t right now, but I will… write more later. Oh how I’ll miss those arms that wrap tightly around my neck as I carry him in from the car to his nap… this has been my life for a year and a half…. what...

Chasing the warm winter sun

via Instagram The long runs are getting harder.  and my knees is not getting stronger.  I’m getting worried but holding out hope that I can do this.  I WILL DO THIS! This run was cold.  Like 20 degrees, takes me 30 minutes to warm up, COLD.  And it’s winter.  And I’m starting to realize...

My Shoe-pea

via Instagram Adelie.  Oh my little Shoe-pea how proud I am of you that you are turning into a little me.  I dream about the day when we go shopping for your first pair of heels, you boots that are cuter than mine, your sandals that are perfect in every way… p.s. i love...

let's behold


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