Category Archives: IG snaps


via Instagram I believe her first words spoken the first time she met me went something like this “She’s soft and warm and I think she’s perfect.” Sister-cousin, let me redefine perfect for you.  You and me and this thing that we’ve found called sisterdom.  Where you’re my best friend and the most meaningful...

pieces of you…

via Instagram Not quite like an Ashley Simpson song, but you.  You Ryan… It’s been a year and a half and this boy and every piece of him- the pieces that make me want to scream, and the pieces that make me never want to let him go–he’s changed my life in so many...

First day, take 4.

via Instagram We’re back.  And here’s to the second to last semester.  #praisejesus  #gradschoolbesties #iwouldnteverwanttodothiswithoutyou

let's behold


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