Category Archives: Family

My Big Fat Mexican Baby Dedication

As with everything in life that I’m so severely behind in, I thought I should go back a couple of months to recount our most special day thus far since the twins were born…our big, fat, Mexican Baby Dedication: We knew before we even had the girls that we would be dedicating the girls back...

Little Firecrackers

Let it be known that our world has eleven little “firecrackers” and we like it that way. However, please do your best to refrain from calling them firecrackers unless you mean it like we do. In which case, by all means, encourage the energy and definitely encourage the honesty! Those are the firecrackers we like to light.

Together, we lit our firecrackers with ice cream pie and games and playful uncles. Those lights were dazzling and to be honest, as I look through the photos, they’re still shining bright!


Adding to my list of questions to ask God when I die– “Why did You make the first year of motherhood such a blur?”

let's behold


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