Category Archives: butterflies

Insist on Yourself

There’s one thing that keeps running though my head right now, it has been all week.  A quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Insist on yourself.  Never imitate.”  <I’d like to add this: with each post I make, I review my past couple.  I noticed I’ve been starting each one with “I.”  and then there’s this post about...

Stars: The Streetlights of the Universe

His Spirit Speaks… “LOVE US GOD WITH ALL YOU’VE GOT!  THAT’S WHAT WE’RE DEPENDING ON.” –PSALM 33 (THE MESSAGE) Maybe I should re-title this “Stars are the Streetlights of my life…” I can remember the crisp cool nights of summer in South Dakota.  I was 15, Jess was 17, Josh was 19, and I was in...

Stranded on I-95 makes me think…

Yesterday was an adventure.  That’s putting in lightly.  It started out a gorgeous, beautiful day for Justin and I to head down to Busch Gardens… do the Halloween thing.  We started with waffles and 90s music.  Enjoying laughter, rain, popcorn, the front row of every roller coaster… and garlic bread. It was one of those...

let's behold


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