That’s a lot: Week 1

I like to keep many numbers private, shoes, boyfriends, weight then again who doesn’t want to keep that one private?, cameras….I think you get the idea.  But tonight, I’m disclosing.  I’m disclosing as much as I have the energy to, maybe that makes me a little lazy and admittingly a lot ashamed.

First though, I’d like to introduce you to my home for the next two years.  This “home” is one and a half rooms combined, and 3/4 less of closet.  When I made the decision to move in with my parents to their downsized home, I knew I’d have to scrunch.  Ladies and Gents, my darlings, I am making it work.  And I have many posts to come explaining just how exactly.  Did you know that I really am this organized?  Doubtful I’m sure as you see many other areas of my life.

Today though, meet Bedroom.  It’s my little, and by little I mean only, and yes teeny weeny, sanctuary.  But it’s mine.

photo 2

This is the bed where I sleep.  Yes–I am sleeping again, though I must be honest, I feel as though I am sleeping in a guest room.  STILL….it’s been two months…..  This is also where memories lie above me–in my boxes and albums.  It’s where I rest under pretty flower freshness and am reminded to live faith.

photo 1

and this, this is one of four homes for my shoes–all of which are separated by family.  Yes, my shoes have families.  This is where the Boots live.  Except for six pairs, they are visiting other families for the time being.  The Boots are one of the most admired of the Shoe family.  First thing I see when I wake up every morning…my favorite part of getting dressed in the fall and winter (which ones do I get to wear tomorrow??).  Always let the shoes pick the outfit!  ALWAYS!

photo 4

Here is where the Heels live.  I get to take them in whenever I’m also watching my trash TV.  They actually go hand in hand….oh, it’s where Sass gets inspired.  Sneakers and Slippers like to hang with them for comfort release.  They’re so nice like that.

photo 1

This here is my writing nook, my watch TV nook, my read a book and then don’t finish it nook, my talk on the phone to besties nook, my “look how cute Sasha is while sleeping” nook.

photo 2

Next to the “all of the above” nook is where the Flat family lives.  They like to “hang out” with each other and double up in their rooms.  They’re a pretty organized family arranged by color, season, and even in some cases brand/style.  I think the Flats are feeling rather lonely lately as the Boots are doing more of the entertaining this season…

The fourth shoe family lives in my closet, high above my clothes.  They’re the Sassy family…all I can say is that they only come out for special occasions when dancing and feathers are non-negotiables.  They asked not to be pictured at this time…

photo 3

but this!  THIS is the sacred place, my special place, my favorite place.  The place that sings the Hallelujah Chorus whenever I stand in front of it…Ummm… no I have not made an idol out of my closet….and running accomplishment wall.

wait for it….

ready for those numbers!  This place is home to…….

  • 96 spring and summer tops
  • 72 fall and winter tops
  • 18 skirts
  • 53 dresses and tunic tops
  • 8 hoodies
  • 9 purses
  • 4 wallets
  • 22 scarves

and this, this is my posession confession.  well kind of.  I actually have more.

In my dresser I have:

  • 21 tshirts
  • 23 camis and tanks
  • 12 workout shorts, skirts, and pants
  • 16 workout shirts
  • 13 dress slacks
  • 11 casual pants
  • 7 pairs of pijammies

In my chest of drawers….who am I kidding?  It was time to stop counting….or else I was about to purge my most treasured possessions.

But wait.

Don’t hoard treasure down here where it gets eaten by moths and corroded by rust or—worse!—stolen by burglars. Stockpile treasure in heaven, where it’s safe from moth and rust and burglars. It’s obvious, isn’t it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being.

crap.  I hate it when Scripture convicts me.  seriously, CRAP.

There was a lady–I have no idea her name, Jen I think… anyway, she decided to live by 7.  For 7 months she focused on different areas of excess in her life.  Food–she only ate 7 items, FOR A MONTH, the same 7, EVERY DAY.  Media–she only used 7 forms, FOR A MONTH.  annddddd, *GASP* clothes. 7 items of clothing….FOR.A.MONTH!!!!!  The SAME 7 ITEMS…for a month.  Today alone I wore 9 (2 outfits=why I LOVE SUNDAYS).

I co-lead a small group of 7th grade girls.  Tonight we made a pact to “fast” in our own “clothing” sort of way.  For 7 days, we will wear only seven items of clothing.  Will it be easy?  Will it be difficult?  Will it be stinky?? (underwear and socks don’t count).

We’ve been challenged.  Here are my 7:

leggings, jeans, yoga pants, fleecy, cami and uggs.

leggings, jeans, yoga pants, fleecy, cami, sweater and uggs.

7 DAYS.  this lady is freakin’ psycho.  Or just crazy in love with the Father.

Her whole goal was to create space to have more intimacy with Him.  I gotta be honest here reader friends of mine, I’ve never been more thankful for His blessings, my earthly treasures (and my 7 days haven’t even begun).  And of course I need to say: my heavenly treasures are better, eternal.  I get it, I get it.

*shakes head and clicks ‘publish’ with a commitment to share thoughts about this challenge in 7 days.*

let's behold


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